Rosedale Garden & Urban Farm

Rosedale Gardens, Urban Farm and Plant Production Room Rosedale Gardens, Urban Farm and Plant Production Room will help to further distinguish Rosedale's Landscaping Team with signature plant materials, horticulture, agriculture training and education opportunities not only for the landscape staff but for our children of all ages, their parents and our elders. We can further enhance opportunities to distinguish our services by growing plant materials that will not be readily available to other installers. We continue to embrace our vision of growing and providing upscale vegetables for the community and vendors. Growing and marketing plants will enable RBC to provide more hands on training in the various areas and a new modest revenue stream. The Model Plant Production Room in RBCTOO Horticulture Center will enable Rosedale to extend our growing season by two months with seedlings. The drywall and grid are mold and moisture resistant. The Urban Farm is on sites that formerly were host to criminal behavior and blighting conditions. The landscape youth cleared, cleaned, greened and claimed the assembled sites as they became available, inspiring hope in an area where there was little or none. No better message can be sent from the acreage than to see healthy vegetables, native plants and other plant materials maturing to be harvested by our youth along the major truck route.

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