Youth Landscape Training & Employment

The Rosedale Youth Landscape, Horticulture and Agriculture, Training and Employment Enterprise has helped to create a much needed path to opportunities. The youth 18-25 while participating in the open end, year round program gain transferrable workforce, life and social skills in a well-structured and nurturing environment. They gain skills such as, planning, scheduling, measuring, mowing, edging, pruning, amending soils, plant and irrigation installation and small motor repair. Most importantly, they learn to work as a team and are afforded the opportunity to gain a sense of self-worth. Our expected Outcomes are that when the youth complete the training whether they remain as a core team member, move on to other gainful employment opportunities or additional training and education, they are able to demonstrate an understanding of the industry safety standards, use and maintenance of small motor driven and other equipment and hand tools. They learn how to identify and install, annual and perennial flowers, shrubs, ground cover, bulbs, trees, other plant materials and develop customer relation’s skills. According to most of the employers that we have met with their primary concern is timeliness, get to work on time, with a good attitude ready to learn and earn. We stress those issues daily. The landscape, training and employment serve primarily our youth that have had too few developmental and first employment opportunities. The landscaping, training and employment program also afford the youth the crucial opportunity to overcome barriers and to celebrate earning their first pay check. At least 75% of the youth out of over 1,000 have been successful and have moved on to life changing and saving opportunities, residing locally and nationally. Additionally, a number of the youth are young parents and will be better equipped to support their children, helping to ensure that the cycle of poverty will diminish tomorrow because of what we do today for our youth 18-25 by providing them with access to The Rosedale Youth Landscape, Horticulture and Agriculture, Training and Employment Enterprise opportunity.

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